How do you stay positive and motivated when you are struggling?

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There may be moments in life when difficulty envelopes you, crushing your hopes and goals. When that occurs, many people experience a daily inundation of negativity and accept it as a way of life. Even if you sometimes have no control over what occurs to you, you always have power over how you react. You'll feel more driven to fulfill your aspirations and accomplish your objectives if you build a pleasant atmosphere and positive self-esteem for yourself.

Adopt An Expectant Mindset

Whatever you anticipate, you'll receive. Every day, expect the best for yourself, and it will. Every morning in the mirror, say to yourself, "I anticipate something fantastic to happen for me today!"

Stop Stressing and Concentrate on What You Can Control

Some things are within your control. Differentiate yourself. Don't worry about outside happenings. Avoid over-investing emotionally. The sooner you recover from failures, the sooner you can enjoy your next success. You control your actions.

Inform Yourself Well by Reading and Listening

It will keep you motivated if you feed your thoughts with uplifting and motivational ideas. Find at least one book that will uplift you today by visiting the library or a bookshop. It would be best if you had frequent affirmations that you can succeed.

Be With Positive People

Negative people and conversations distract you from your goals and ruin your mood. Avoid bad people. Stay neutral or abstain. If a debate is going awry, switch topics.

Say Encouraging Words

The power of words is creative. No matter what is happening around you, say what you want to happen. Put a daily affirmation on paper and post it someplace you'll see it every day, like your refrigerator or the mirror in your bathroom.

Learn From Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, so move on and learn. Regularly evaluate your performance and think about what you may have done better. List solutions and implications to help you decide what to do.


"If you don't plan, you plan to fail" is well-known. Preparation lets you examine the whole process. This may boost creativity, productivity, and success. A written schedule will motivate you to finish it. Without one, you feel powerless. Before bed, list your tasks. Start the following day with the top three chores.

Celebrate All Victories

Enjoy yourself. Self-rewarding keeps you motivated. Treat yourself after every goal. A party, weekend getaway, or movie night are examples. Don't disregard it. Celebrate a recent achievement within 10 days. Getting ice cream is easy. Self-reward!

Create A Support Group

You need the right team to succeed. You will be amazed at your team's accomplishments when everyone is engaged and working toward the same goal. Supporting networks are crucial. List the effective people in your network who can cooperate, exchange ideas, and help you complete assignments.

Repeat Successes

We forget our triumphs and progress. Choose a reminder of your victory to carry with you. Size doesn't matter. Review your trophies, certificates, personal comments, or anything else that can motivate you during difficult times.


A contagious, upbeat attitude and high self-esteem may drastically alter your life. You will experience more favorable outcomes if you fill your head with bright ideas. You must begin acting as if you are already worth that much if you want to start earning the things you've only ever desired and dreamt about! You'll stay motivated and eliminate all the bad influences in your life if you consciously adopt a self-esteemed outlook.

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