What Are The Benefits Of Installing An Electric Fire?

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Featuring stunning flame effect visuals and a choice of fuel effects including faux woodland logs or modern crystal-ice designs. Some models also offer smart integration for easy control using your phone or tablet app, allowing you to schedule your fire and adapt its settings. Media wall electric fires don’t produce any ash or soot, meaning they’re low maintenance and require less cleaning. Adding to this, they’re a safer option for families with children.

They’re Easy To Install

A media wall can be a beautiful focal point in your home, especially with bespoke elecric fires embedded within it. However, it’s important to keep in mind the size of your wall and fireplace so that you don’t end up with a room that looks overcrowded. To help you choose the right size, consider using masking tape to mark out your space. This will allow you to visualize the size of your bespoke media wall and make any necessary adjustments.

Many media wall electric fires feature multiple settings, allowing you to adapt the flame effect for a relaxing ambiance or a roaring party. Some even have a remote that allows you to control the display with voice commands. This adds another layer of convenience and makes your bespoke media wall feel more modern and sophisticated. This is particularly true for models with 3D technology and LED lights that are designed to create a realistic experience.

They’re Eco-Friendly

Unlike wood burning or gas fires, electric media wall fire are a great choice for those concerned about carbon emissions. They also offer the convenience of switching on and off at the touch of a button and can even be controlled remotely or via smart integration. When choosing the right size fire for your media wall, remember that it’s important to balance proportions so that it doesn’t overwhelm the space or appear too small. This is down to personal judgment, but a good rule of thumb is that the fire should cover around one-third of the wall’s width.

Most modern electric media wall fires produce a maximum heat output of 2kW, meaning that they are ideal for taking the edge off a chilly room rather than as a main heating source. However, some of the more sophisticated models have remote or app control that allows you to set a desired room temperature and schedule switching on/off, helping you to make your home as energy efficient as possible.

They’re Stylish

Media walls are a modern way of adding a fireplace to a living room. They are popular because they combine entertainment and practicality with a stylish finish. They are also easy to install as they require no venting or gas lines. They can be used with a wall-mounted electric fire. Media wall electric fires offer a choice of different visual effects and control options. Choose from contemporary crystal-ice or realistic log-burning styles. You can also select the color of your flames and ember bed. You can even customize your media wall with a wide range of accessories and finishes, including decorative mantels.

Many of our electric fire media walls feature a glass front. The Celsi Electriflame VR range uses advanced E-VR flame projection technology to create the illusion of natural logs on the fuel bed’s front, center, and back. It can be installed as a single- or two-sided built-in option, and you can control it using the included remote or the Evonic app on your smartphone or tablet.

They’re Simple To Use

If messing around with logs, lighting candles, and figuring out gas lines isn’t your cup of tea, electric fires media wall offer a fuss-free option. Simply flip a switch or press a button to activate the fire, and some come with smart connectivity and remote controls. Many models like the Gazco eStudio 105R use advanced technology and stunning fuel effects to create captivating flame visuals, whilst some include LED mood lighting that can be turned on or off as desired. This helps to adapt the ambiance for any occasion, from a cozy reading session to a lively evening of TV and socializing.

Some electric media walls are designed to hang on a wall while others (known as built-in electric fires) sit within a fireplace recess. This can help to create a seamless aesthetic, as the fake chimney will blend in with the surrounding wall. The inset style can also help to maximize heat distribution as the fire is positioned directly against the room.


A media wall with an electric fire is a modern and versatile option. It’s also relatively simple to install as it doesn’t require a chimney or venting. A great choice for new-build homes that don’t have a false chimney breast. Choose from a range of sizes that can be installed as a 1 sided, 2 sided or 3 sided built in fire into your home.

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