5 Tips for avoiding truck accidents

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Anyone driving on the road is at risk of experiencing a truck accident, some more than others depending on location and the types of roads frequented. Trucks account for only a small percentage of drivers on the road -only four percent of all registered vehicles Links to an external site. - but due to their size and other factors, colliding with one in almost any way can lead to catastrophic damage to your vehicle and serious injury for the driver and passengers. Although not every accident is avoidable, there are some precautions you may take to help avoid truck accidents, whether you're driving on the highway or a local rural road. Help keep you and your passengers safe with these tips for avoiding truck accidents.

Leading Causes of Truck Accidents

A truck accident may occur for any number of reasons, similar to the risks for passenger vehicle drivers. Some of the leading causes of truck accidents include:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Illegal, dangerous maneuvers
  • Mechanical failure
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Driver impairment
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driver inexperience
  • Tailgating other drivers
  • Misjudging braking distance or distance between vehicles when passing

Many of these are easily preventable when commercial truck drivers are properly trained in the rules of the road as they apply to large trucks. In the case of others, such as mechanical failure or and weather conditions, these aren't always preventable, but a properly trained driver will be able to navigate safely, and take care of their truck in a way to help ensure breakdowns on the road don't happen. Of course, we cannot always rely on every semi-truck driver to properly follow these rules and safety measures, so practicing defensive driving will help ensure you reach your destination safely.

How to Avoid an Accident: Tips for Commuters

Safety should be of the utmost importance when driving to any destination. Using these tips when driving around commercial trucks on the road can help you avoid an accident.

1) Give Trucks Plenty of Space and Pass Quickly

Due to their length and the weight they carry, trucks require more time to come to a complete stop. Their weight also puts them at a higher risk of a tire blowout, which poses its own dangers to surrounding passenger vehicles. Giving tractor-trailers plenty of space on the road not only helps them but is safer for you, as well.

Not following too closely could keep you from rear-ending the truck should it brake suddenly to avoid something ahead. Also, following too closely could mean the truck driver does not realize you're behind them, and they could go to switch lanes or perform another maneuver that could end up being dangerous for you.

Passing a truck should require caution, as well. On the highway, you should only pass by using the left lane as trucks, in general, should remain in the right-hand lanes. Trying to pass on the right may be dangerous in the event a truck needs to get over to reach their exit or could leave you trapped between them and the curb or shoulder with nowhere to go in the event of an accident. Before getting back in front of the truck, be sure you can clearly see the driver in your rearview mirror. This will ensure you are not cutting them off and potentially causing an accident.

2) Drive Appropriately

Every driver is responsible for driving appropriately, whether its changing speed and driving behaviors due to weather conditions, or causing an accident from reckless driving behaviors, or following the rules of the road to avoid road rage incidents.

Should the weather forecast call for bad road conditions, try to avoid driving if possible. Slick wet or icy roads and even high winds can cause a large truck to lose control, contributing to serious, life-threatening accidents. If you must drive, leave plenty of room between yourself, trucks, and other passenger vehicles on the road.

Reckless driving is terrible in any situation, causing accidents whether they involve your vehicle or not. You not only put your life at risk, but the lives of those around you, as well. To make matters worse, when there's a reckless driver around a truck, they will be less able to avoid an accident with you or others, causing very dangerous situations for anyone around them.

Avoiding road rage seems simple, but even the most unintended actions can end up causing frustration for drivers around you. Any anger on the road can be dangerous, but getting into a road rage incident with a large truck is extremely dangerous. If they were to drive aggressively and cause an accident with you, more than likely your vehicle will experience more of the consequence than them - no argument is worth your life.

3) Avoid Distractions

Our complete focus should always be on the road, but there will inevitably be distractions while driving. From simple things like talking with passengers or changing the radio station to more dangerous activities like reading a text message or eating a meal - they can all cause us to lose our focus. Doing your best to avoid any distractions will help you stay focused and better anticipate any potential dangers on the road.

Try to set your radio on a station you want before driving, or, if you have a passenger with you, put them in charge of making any changes. Keep your phone out of reach to avoid temptation and, if your vehicle is equipped, set up hands-free calls so you can still be reached. If you're on a longer drive, try to eat prior to leaving and take breaks to stretch your legs and grab a snack or meal when needed, but be sure not to eat while in the driver's seat.

4) Be Cautious of Turning Trucks and Avoid the Blind Spots

When trucks are turning, they require more room to swing widely, some of which require roughly two lanes to safely make the wide turn. If you are driving along the right-hand side of a large truck, you may miss their signal, indicating they wish to turn right into your path. The angle at which they need to turn could mean they hit the front portion of your vehicle, even if you believe you are stopped far enough back.

Trucks turning toward your direction will also require more room. If you are at an intersection and see a truck approaching with its blinker on, remain further back from the line a bit so the truck has room to safely clear the intersection. They will most likely need to cross into your lane in order to turn without running onto the sidewalk or off the roadway.

Trucks also come with several blind spots. Understanding where these are will help you stay out of them, being safer for you and the truck driver. Truck drivers have difficulty seeing vehicles, people, or items that are within 20 feet in front of the truck, 30 feet behind the truck, two lanes wide on the right side, and from the driver's seat to half the length of the trailer on the driver's side. A good rule of thumb when driving around a semi-truck is to understand that if you cannot see the truck's driver or side mirrors, they cannot see you.

5) Signal Intentions Clearly 

Others on the road, including large trucks, won't know where you intend to go, so always use clear signals to let your intentions be known. Always use your turn signal when changing lanes or turning off a roadway. If you do not have a blinker or yours is broken, be sure to utilize the basic hand signals Links to an external site. for indication.

When an Accident Happens, Take the Right Actions

Even with the right tips and safe driving habits, accidents can still happen. Should you find yourself involved in a truck accident, don't delay. If you're able, be sure everything is documented at the scene. Do not speak about the accident with those involved to avoid inadvertently placing the blame on yourself, even if you did not cause the accident. When you're able, contact an experienced truck accident attorney, like the Simon Law Firm Links to an external site., P.C. They will be able to handle the potential complications that arise from an accident with a commercial truck and win you the settlement you deserve.

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